When Cubicle Centre’s aging fork lift trucks needed replacing, Robert Thorpe – Cubicle Company’s Operations Manager, approached Lithium Forklifts UK based in Ossett, West Yorkshire with a view to replacing with a more environmentally friendly, battery-powered version to the previous Gas-powered machines.
Lithium powered trucks are less energy demanding and far less pollution than gas, diesel and lead-acid powered counterparts and unlike traditional batteries, the sealed units require zero battery maintenance and much less charging time.
Lithium is a premium battery technology with a longer lifespan and higher efficiency than lead-acid batteries and charges much faster with less space required for charging docks, making Lithium fork trucks more efficient and space saving too. The choice to switch to lithium was both an economic, efficiency and environmentally friendly based one that made perfect sense.
Our operatives were quick to jump into the new trucks and they entered service immediately moving pallets of raw materials with ease. The two new trucks have a lifting capability of 2.5 tonnes for the smaller machine, and up to 3.5 tonnes for the larger truck, making it perfectly suited to lifting large sheets of raw materials.
These new forklifts are a great new addition to the company and with their more efficient characteristics help to make the Cubicle Centre that little bit greener.

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